Asus teaser suggests dual-boot Android and Windows tablet for CES 2014 very interesting

Asus teaser suggests dual-boot Android and Windows  tablet for CES 2014

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Asus’ newest video teaser is planned to whet your appetite ahead of CES 2014. However what’ll the company be launching? Let us take a look at the clues:

We open on a seagull. We have had a think and do not believe this is especially indicative of any upcoming Asus products.

Next, we see the ‘Statuary of Liberty’ holding 2 fingers up: sure, it likes peace but there’s another school of idea that states it’s saying that this thing it’s teasing is going to have some sort of double purpose, or that there will be two things. Or it’s flicking the Vs at a passing boat.

Then there’s the very first ‘tablet’ to think about, in the statuary’s left hand. It fills up green then goes back to blue. Hmm. Fascinating.

Now let us look at the 2nd tablet that the statue draws from, er, someplace:

Asus at CES 2014

It comes out green and afterwards flashes to blue. The statuary looks about as baffled as we are. Day counts on night and then to psychedelic green like a very dull acid flashback.

The title of the video is likewise ‘Environment-friendly or Blue? One or Two?’

So here’s exactly what we think: dual-boot Android (green) and Windows (blue). Or a laptop/tablet hybrid. Or a PadFone/FonePad successor. Or a mix of the three.

Have a watch and let’s know exactly what you believe in the remarks:

It’s Asus so it could realistically be any or all the above – join us to learn on January 6 as CES 2014 begins.

Judul: Asus teaser suggests dual-boot Android and Windows tablet for CES 2014 very interesting ; Ditulis oleh Princes Syahrini ; Rating Blog: 5 dari 5